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What is Play Therapy?

Play Therapy is a method of working with a child, through play and the creative arts, to move them forward through a particular difficulty.

As adults we may talk to a friend or therapist to help us through our difficult times, but children don't talk, they play.
Through non-directive, integrative, holistic therapy I will create a safe, welcoming environment, in which your child will be allowed to play, with as few limits as possible but as many as is necessary to stay safe, receiving my undivided attention. Through playing in this way healing can occur on many levels as they work through their difficulties with a trained professional.

Are you concerned that your child is not reaching their potential due to:

Concentration difficulties                                  Separation or divorce
Nightmares or disturbed sleep                        Looked after child
Risk of exclusion                                                        Anxiety
Past trauma                                                                 Withdrawal
Bullying                                                                           Loneliness

Play Therapy could help

Play Therapy is not a quick fix or a magic pill, your child would be seen for a minimum of 12 sessions, 1 session each week, lasting 50 minutes. During that time they will be free to choose what they do in the therapy room, with me by their side,  using the resources to work through their difficulties.

Before starting with your child I would meet with yourself, your child's teacher and your child, to build up a fuller picture of their area of difficuIty. We would then meet again half way through the therapy and at the end to discuss your child's progress. Everything that is discussed is kept confidential. 

What is Play Therapy: FAQ
What is Play Therapy: Video
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